Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
The 2021 New Fortune Annual Conference on Sustainable Development of Listed Companies, 17th New Fortune Golden Board Secretaries Awards and 4th New Fortune Best IR Hong Kong-listed Companies Awards were held in Guangzhou on September 24, at which China Railway Group Ltd. (CREC) won the New Fortune Best IR Hong Kong-listed Company (A+H) Award for the third time. This made CREC the only listed company from the construction industry to win this honor for three consecutive years.
Since its IPO in 2007, CREC has attached great importance to relations with investors from both home and abroad. It has forged a “big investor relations (IR)” pattern with information disclosure as the core, oriented by regulation requirements and investors’ demand and featuring wide participation of the board of directors, the management, and all divisions. The company conducts interaction and communication with domestic and foreign investors by means of performance briefings, investor hotline, roadshows and reverse roadshows, and SSE E-interaction. It also pays attention to translating investors’ advice into specific measures to enhance management capacity and integrating IR management into corporate governance and management, so as to create an internationalized public company that is open, transparent, honest and responsible. CREC’s IR experience was cited as the Best Practice of “A+H” listed companies by Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) in 2020.
In addition, CREC’s ESG practice and 2020 annual performance briefing were included by China Association for Public Companies into the ESG Best Practices of Listed Companies and the 2020 Performance Briefing Best Practices of Listed Companies, and hailed as best practice of listed companies in Beijing.
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